The Birds and the.. Ladybees? [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
15 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
The Birds and the.. Ladybees? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 17:53:53 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









Ledian and Ledyba, huh?[break][break]

Arabella hasn't ever been interesting in bug Pokémon. So, whilst she had seen many kinds in the dumpsters of Dustboro, even living away in holes around the abandoned buildings she frequently squat in; it was still hard to get excited for them. Her Pokémon on the other hand were a different story, a small factoid about rodents in general would show they do eat some invertebrates--beetles being one of them. Ensuring the survival rate of these bug Pokémon would just mean less money spent on finding food for her army of furr babies.[break][break]

At the same time she came around to picking up such a request she couldn't help but notice another cutie signing up for it too. What was his name again...? Silvero? Silvio? Silverio? Contrary to his name, him being tall dark and handsome was just the motivation she needed to show up... [break][break]

not late at least. [break][break]

It wasn't dark yet, but hell was it approaching fast, and it was for that reason she was barreling down the street on her motorcycle, pumping that gas to race against time of all things. To her surprise though, she wasn't expecting her partner to be waiting over at the city entrance, the sounds of her tires screeching down the road and into gravel as she sped past him a couple feet away was one of many things he heard as she past by.[break][break]

"Ah, shit!"[break][break]

still she wasn't the type that didn't try to play it cool, and in one fluid movement she'd swing herself off the bike and lean against it. "Hey baby, want a ride?" she'd casually say, throwing him two finger guns while her eyes were obviously distracted looking down at the tires of her ride to make sure she didn't cause any sort of damage. This was one of her babies after all.[break][break]


Sparkling Spawning











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played by


Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
274 posts
part of
TAG WITH @dynamo1
silverio delfino
The Birds and the.. Ladybees? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 4:17:28 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar



pokémon can be said to be full of surprises...[break][break]

especially when it comes to linking up with those of their own, in more ways than one. a little known fact about some is that many oftentimes prefer to lurk in the deepest shadows of the night. one can only hope that none would seek to haunt any unsuspecting souls of humans or fellow pokémon inhabiting specific fields or zones across the region. on the flip side, ensuring the safety of the environment, and everything in it, is exactly the reason that a man such as one silverio eligio delfino had enlisted with the rangers here; it was means to further advance his environmental studies, and also to give back to the pokémon, for that they've a vital part of his survival for time immemorial.[break][break]

and speaking of survival...[break][break]

one peculiar request in particular to the rangers in the stone-forged city of rustboro has warranted the paldea native's undivided attention -- a task that requires a team of two to venture into the wilds in the darkest of night. why? the reason may surprise you: apparently, it's a mating season for a certain species of bug-type pokémon. but for some odd, something -- or perhaps someone -- is allegedly preventing them from peacefully initiating their process of procreation. something about the sparkling dust which the ledyba and ledian leave that may be attracting other pokémon? that seems likely to be case.[break][break]

a night job, huh...?[break][break]

an opportunity to undertake such a job has not come very often for the one-time paldean league champion. and surprisingly enough, it seems that he's not the only one interested in taking this job. nonetheless, as the sun began to set along the horizon, the man finds himself standing beside the city's entrance, lying in wait for the one whom would be designated as his partner on this expedition. he did not mind the wait, for was admittedly arriving a tad early to the assigned meeting point.[break][break]

lo and behold...[break][break]

unexpectedly, sounds of what seemed to be tires aggressively grazing the grounds below prompt silv's attention. whatever made that noise had zoomed past him rather quickly, garnering a breeze that renders his raven-hued hair disheveled for the moment. as he took the minute allotted by this to refurbish himself, a voice emits from a few short feet away. he turns to find a woman there, unceremoniously dismounting from a motorcycle.[break][break]

"...pretty hot..."[break][break]

the bike was, at least. although the woman in question appears to be quite the looker herself, despite what looked to be something akin to an animal's ears as part of her attire, silv seeks to focus his mind and body on the business at hand. with a small smile, in spite of her unorthodox greeting, and perhaps a playful one at that, he responds, "hey you, too. i was told to meet up with my assigned partner for a job tonight - someone by the name of arabella. i'm guessing that's you?"[break][break]

eyeing the bike intently, he considers the invitation to a ride for but a second. "that's your bike?...sure, i'll ride along, why not. it sure beats walking, especially at this time of day, or night. name's silverio, by they way. that may sound like a mouthful, so just 'silvi' is fine."



mission: sparkling spawning[break]

[newclass=.silverio]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".silverio b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".silverio a"]color:var(--accent);font:12px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".silverio .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".silverio .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
15 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
The Birds and the.. Ladybees? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 3:20:06 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









She thought her entrance was pretty smooth despite any hiccups along the way, her eyes now moving up to focus on the beauty of a man before her. However she wouldn't be the only creature greeting him, as after a moment or two a pokeball upon her belt would crack open to release a rattata swiftly moving up her leg and onto her shoulder. Now knowing it was free to be out, Whiskers would proudly perch on her owner's shoulder, letting out a squeak of a greeting.[break][break]

"hey you, too. i was told to meet up with my assigned partner for a job tonight - someone by the name of arabella. i'm guessing that's you?"[break][break]

"In the flesh," she retorted back oozing with confidence. Confidence one would typically find with those with wealth, power or some form of prestige, but for Arabella she had none of those, a true form of confidence that could only be found in having pride in yourself and the place you're in life. --Or the stupid.[break][break]

"that's your bike?...sure, i'll ride along, why not. it sure beats walking, especially at this time of day, or night. name's silverio, by they way. that may sound like a mouthful, so just 'silvi' is fine."[break][break]

There was a lot she wanted to respond to, was he perhaps nervous with the time slip up? Should she make a cute joke about his nickname and how adorable it sounds or maybe she should really take the low hanging fruit on the mouthful. "Oh, we're on a nickname basis already?" This was safer when it comes to a coworker, she can work slower, enjoy herself and feel out how he'd react to her advancements. "Then, Silvi, Just call me Bella" She'd say swinging a leg back over her bike and scooting forward so he'd have space to sit behind her.[break][break]

While she waited for him to situated himself on her ride, her rattata who really only had a couple minutes of freedom would clock that she was about to head off on her ride, opting instead to take the far more cozy transportation of its pokeball. Once he was seating, she'd playfully scoot back, making sure there was no more room for Jesus between the two, as she'd chuckle, "Make sure you grab on, I'm not shy so let loose~"[break][break]

With a small rev of the engine to signal him to quickly prepare she'd take off a bit rougher than usual, to her it was better for him to get used to the ride and find the best grip before any real emergencies actually happen. Fortunately it wasn't that far and mostly a straight way after you reach the forest's entrance so she felt at ease taking her eyes off the road for a second to try and look back at him.[break][break]

"So, Silvi! How long ya been a ranger?" She spoke loudly and firmly to try and beat out the motorcycle's noise, her eyes looking back at the road soon enough to notice a lower hanging branch. Being mindful of the rougher terrain she'd carefully swerve out of the way, opting to just keep her eyes on the road for now, only to lean back towards him to hear him better. "I personally haven't been in for very long, picked it up on a whim. You know, do some good." she'd say purely to continue the conversation after he finished responding to her question and hopefully it'd prop him to ask some questions of his own too.


Sparkling Spawning











[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Arabella"] --accent:#5F868A!important; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbnotes]width:75%; height:1px; background:var(--accent); color:var(--accent); opacity:90%; font: 400 20px Poppins;[/newclass]
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played by


Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
274 posts
part of
TAG WITH @dynamo1
silverio delfino
The Birds and the.. Ladybees? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 20:59:11 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar



"alright then...good to meet you, bella."[break][break]

now that the two are formally acquainted, they can proceed with commencing the operation. although it appears that this woman was in no rush to get going just yet, despite silverio having waited for a considerable amount of time for her arrival - not that he minded this, but the sooner that they can get started, the sooner they can wrap up and collect their just rewards. he sought to examine her ride a tad closer, that was, until a rattata comes storming out of its spherical chamber to greet the man in kind atop its apparent trainer's shoulder. an endearing sight, it was. "and nice to meet you too, little buddy."[break][break]

it was...oddly cute...![break][break]

alas, her identity is confirmed, not only as a fellow ranger, but also as silv's running mate for the impending job. her vibe is surprisingly strong; there weren't many other rangers -- or even other people in general for that matter -- who would present themselves in this manner, exuding a level of confidence that perhaps may be immeasurable by any normal means. admittedly, he may have gotten just a tad antsy here for but a moment due to the mixup with times. but to say the least, he can appreciate the fact that bella had even bothered to show up at all -- it was better that than to be stood up like a blind date silently canceling.[break][break]

and so it was time for them to ride off into the sunset, literally![break][break]

bella wastes no time in getting herself comfortable on that bike -- how long has she been riding on it!? that wouldn't matter, so long as it can prove to be viable method of fast transportation. she suggests that he grabs on to something, and grab on he will. or in this case, someone to hold onto for some much-needed leverage, especially considering the breakneck speeds of which a vehicle such as this is allegedly capable of achieving. her repositioning as he sits behind her takes the man a bit of surprise, but for the sake of the mission, he would have to endure.[break][break]

broad arms tightly loop around bella's waist, unexpected bodily contact and all.[break][break]

before long, they take off, and the apparent rookie looks to strike up conversation en route to their destination, although she'd best keep her eyes on the road whilst doing so. first, the topic of their respective jobs. "i've been at this for a couple years now. before this, i was just an ordinary pokémon trainer doing ordinary things. i know that sounds insanely boring, but i'm also studying the environment, which is part of the reason i became a ranger in the first place -- to learn about the nature that i'm trying to help. if that makes any sense...!?" he finds himself competing with the sounds of the bike's engine as he speaks.[break][break]

"what about you, bella? you're just starting out as a ranger, you said? if it's okay to ask, what were you doing before this?"



mission: sparkling spawning[break]

[newclass=.silverio]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".silverio b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP